Nevil Shute Norway Foundation


UK 2003 - Day 3

Laura Schneider
Laura Schneider presented her paper on "Legality vs Morality; the Integrity of Nevil Shute and his Characters II. Laura presented part I at OZ2001. Laura is a middle school teacher and uses the works of Nevil Shute in her classes.
HREM (Her Royal Event Manageress) Steph Gallagher arranged for morning and afternoon coffee breaks. The breaks were held in Queens Room, where a wide collection of Nevil Shute related material was on display. Morning Break


John Anderson
John Anderson presented his paper on Nevil Shute's Engineering. He covered the engineering Nevil Shute was involved in beginning with the R100 through his Naval experiences and ending with his hobby of building miniature machines.

A small example of the many things to see in Southsea

HMS Victory
Southsea Pier
HMS Victory Cannon Southsea Pier

Richard Michalak
Richard Michalak delivering his paper, Reality and Recurring Themes within Nevil Shute "or" Cherry Cake, Bungalows and Having Nothing to Say. Richard presented a vary amusing and interesting roundup of the many recurring themes found in the writings or Nevil Shute.
The afternoon coffee break included scones and clotted cream along with lots of good talk. Afternoon Break
Margo Ganster
Margo Ganster, on behalf of Zia Telfair presented - The Appeal of Nevil Shute. After a short break, the attendees participated in a very spirited discussion of why they liked the Shute novels and which, if any, author they enjoyed in the same way they enjoy Nevil's works.