For those Shutists who have not been able to locate reading copies of all of their favorite author's works in the local library or used book store, there is hope! The Nevil Shute Norway Foundation Lending Libraries, located in Australia, the UK and the US, offer loans by mail of hard bound and paperback books, audio books, video copies of films based on Nevil Shute's books, copies of Nevil Shute's unpublished manuscripts, and other assorted Shute references. Only the US Library stocks everything. The other branch libraries have more limited stocks, but everything can be made available, if necessary by mail from the US. Click on the links below for full details of stock held in each library and to arrange library loans.
USA Lending Library
Australian Lending Library
UK Lending Library
There are no fees or deposits required for borrowing from the libraries. However, borrowers assume responsibility for returning the items in good order, and also assume financial responsibility for replacing any items that are lost. Costs for mailing requested items are initially paid by the library, and borrowers are asked to remit the cost of postage when they return the items.
The details of the loan of items requested should be discussed with the relevant librarian.