The Foundation is trying to build up a profile of the availability of Nevil Shute titles in languages other than English. Devoted Shutists have provided the foundation with details of books translated into Dutch, French, German, Italian, Japanese Russian & Spanish. However, if you know of any translations not listed below or translations in other languages, please send details by e-mail to the Webmaster
Danish TranslationsYear |
Original title - Danish title =
"English translation of Danish title" |
Danish publisher |
1926 | Marazan - Farlig Kyst = "Dangerous Coast" | Skrifola |
1928 | So Disdained/The Mysterious Aviator - Ukendt Fly = "Unknown Plane" | Skrifola |
1932 | Lonely Road - Blind Vej = "Dead end road" | Skrifola |
1938 | Ruined City - Mr. Warren kommer til byen = "Mr. Warren comes to town" | Lademann |
1940 | An Old Captivity - Drømmen om Hekja = "The dream of Hekja" | Skrifola |
1942 | Pied Piper - Manden med pilefløjterne = "The man with the Willow flutes" | Lademann/Vinten |
1942 | Most Secret - Strengt Fortroligt = "Most secret" | Skrifola |
1944 | Pastoral - Pastorale = "Pastoral" | Skrifola |
1947 | The Chequer Board - Skakbrættet = "The chess (!!) board" |
Vinten |
1948 | No Highway - Mellemlanding = "Intermediate landing" or "Stopover" | Skrifola |
1950 | A Town Like Alice - Arven = "The legacy" | Lademann |
1951 | Round the Bend - Hvilket Menneske = "What a man" | Lademann |
1952 | The Far Country - Det fjerne land = "The far country" | Lademann |
1954 | Slide rule - En Mand med Regnestok = "A man with a slide rule" | Vintens |
1955 | Requiem for a Wren/The Breaking Wave - Janet = "Janet" | C.A. Reitzels |
1956 | Beyond the Black Stump - Det forjættede land = "The promised land" | Vinten |
1957 | On the Beach - På stranden - Ventetid = "On the beach - Waiting time" | Vinten |
1958 | The Rainbow and the Rose - Regnbuen og rosen = "The Rainbow and the Rose" | |
1960 | Trustee From the Toolroom - Formynderen = "The Trustee" | Lademann |
1998 | A Town Like Alice - Fem Sorte Høns | Peter Asschenfeldts nye forlag |
Dutch Translations
Book | Translation (Back Translation) | Year Of Publication |
Beyond the Black Stump | Ergens waar de wereld ophoudt (Somewhere where the world ends) | 1956 |
The Chequer Board | ’s Mensen schaakspel (Humans Chess Game) | 1947 |
The Far Country | Land in de verte (Far-away Country) | 1952 |
So Disdained | De paria (The Pariah) | 1928 |
Landfall | Het oordeel (The Verdict) | 1940 |
No Highway | Spel met de dood (Game with the Death) | 1948 |
An Old Captivity | De droom van Ross (Ross' Dream) | 1940 |
On the Beach | De laatste oever (The last Shore) | 1957 |
Pastoral | Pastorale (Pastoral) | 1944 |
Pied Piper | Kruistocht der liefde (Crusade of Love) | 1942 |
The Rainbow and the Rose | Geen leven zonder droom (No life without a Dream) | 1958 |
Requiem for a Wren | Gebed voor een vrouw (Prayer for a woman) | 1955 |
Round the Bend | Onder de sterren der woestijn (Under the Stars of the Dessert) | 1951 |
A Town Like Alice | Finale als voorspel (Final as Overture) | 1950 |
Trustee From the Toolroom | Diamanten voor Janice (Diamonds for Janice) | 1960 |
Finnish Translations
Book | Translation | Translation/Publisher Details |
Pied Piper | Salamatkalaiset, | Laura Tala, Gummerus, 1966 |
The Chequer Board | Kohtalon arpa | Olli Nuorto, Gummerus, 1949 |
A Town Like Alice | Viisi mustaa kanaa, | Tuovi Järvinen, Gummerus, 1952 |
The Far Country | Onnen maa, | Martti Santavuori, Gummerus, 1953 |
Requiem for a Wren | Murtuva aalto, | Jorma Partanen, Gummerus, 1956 |
On the Beach | Viimeisellä rannalla, | Eija Palsbo, Gummerus, 1958 |
The Rainbow and the Rose | Ystäväni Johnnie, | Eija Palsbo, Gummerus, 1960 |
Trustee from the Toolroom | Luottamustehtävä | Veli Sompio, Gummerus, 1961 |
French Translations
Book | Translation | Translation/Publisher Details |
Beyond the Black Stump | Les frontières du coeur | trad. par Pierre SINGER, Paris, Librairie Stock 1957 |
The Far Country | Le lointain pays | trad. par Pierre SINGER, Paris, éd. Stock 1955 |
In the Wet | L'escadrille de la reine | trad. par Pierre SINGER, Paris, Librairie Stock 1955 |
No Highway | Décollage interdit | trad. Geneviève MEKER, Paris, René Julliard 1950 |
An Old Captivity | Prisonnier du passé | trad. de Jacqueline DUPLAIN , Genève, Paris, Ed. Jeheber 1946 |
On the Beach | Le dernier rivage | trad. par Pierre SINGER, Paris, éd. Stock1968 |
Pied Piper | Bonnes vacances Mr. Howard !, | trad. Denise van MOPPES, Genève, éd. S:A:R:I:, Casterman, cop. 1959 |
The Rainbow and the Rose | L'arc-en-ciel et la rose | trad. par Pierre SINGER, Paris, Librairie Stock 1958 |
Requiem for a Wren | Le mot de l'énigme | trad. par Pierre SINGER, Paris, Librairie Stock 1956 |
Round the Bend | Le sixième livre | trad. de l 'américain par Pierre SINGER, Paris, Librairie Stock 1952 |
A Town Like Alice | Le Testament | trad de l'anglais par Pierre SINGER, Paris : éd. Stock 1951 |
Trustee from the Toolroom | Une Chasse aux Diamants | trad de l'anglais par Pierre SINGER, Paris : éd. Stock 1961 |
Book | Translation | Translation/ Publisher Details |
The Chequer Board | Schach dem Schicksal | trad von. William G. FRANK, Zürich, Steinberg-Verlag 1948 |
The Far Country | Im Fernen Land | trad. von Rudolf FRANK, Zürich, Steinberg-Verlag 1953 |
The Far Country | Im Fernen Land | Rowohlt, Hamburg, in 1989 |
Marazan | Marazan | trad. von Ursula von WIESSEN, Zürich, Steinberg-Verlag 1958 |
On The Beach | Das letzte Ufer/ The last or the final shore | First German Edition, Kurt Desch, Vienna/Austria, 1958 |
On The Beach | Das letzte Ufer/ The last or the final shore | Rowohlt, Hamburg 1976 |
Pastoral | Pastorale | trad von Olga Johanna BECKER, Zürich, Steinberg - Verlag 1945 |
Round the Bend | Elamin der Prophet | trad. von O. BOXER, Zürich, Steinberg-Verlag 1952 |
A Town Like Alice | Eine Stadt wie Alice | trad. von Rudolf FRANK, Zürich, Steinberg-Verlag 1951 |
Swedish Translations
Book | Translation | Translator/ Swedish Publisher | Year Of Publication | Stephen Morris | Flygande start (Flying start) | Sten Söderberg Geber, Stockholm | 1963 | Marazan | Möte vid Marazan (Meeting at Marazan) | Sten Söderberg Geber, Stockholm | 1964 | So Disdained | Så länge vingarna bär (As long as the wings can carry you) | John G. Hellberg B. Wahlström | 1959/ 1962 / 1969 | Lonely road | Mörk horisont (Dark horizon) | Holger Norelius B. Wahlström | 1958 / 1978 | Ruined city | Staden som vaknade (The city that woke up) | Sten Söderberg Geber, Stockholm | 1962 | What happened to the Corbetts | Till vi ses igen (Until we meet again) | John G. Hellberg B. Wahlström | 1960 / 1979 | An Old Captivity | Under norrskenet (Under the northern light) | Sten Söderberg Geber, Stockholm | 1959 | Landfall | Vi flyger idag, Mona! (We are flying today, Mona!) | Sten Söderberg Geber, Stockholm | 1941 | Pied Piper | Mannen med sälgpiporna (The man with the "sallow whistlers") | Sten Söderberg Geber, Stockholm | 1943, 1946 1955, 1960, 1969, 1986 | Pied Piper | Mannen med sälgpiporna (The man with the "sallow whistlers") | Sten Söderberg Nordstedt | 1987 "Large fonts" | Pastoral | Pastoral (same in Swedish) | Sten Söderberg Geber, Stockholm | 1945, 1950, 1956, 1961, 1976, 1985 | Most secret | Hemligt uppdrag (Secret mission) | Sten Söderberg Geber, Stockholm | 1946, 1960, 1969 | The Chequer Board | Schackbrädet | Nils Jacobsson Geber, Stockholm | 1948, 1961, 1976, 1983 | No Highway | Utan återvändo (No return) | Sten Söderberg Geber, Stockholm | 1950, 1959, 1961 | A Town Like Alice | Fem svarta höns (Five black chicken) | Sten Söderberg Geber, Stockholm | 1951, 1957, 1965, 1990 | Round the Bend | Där vägen slutar (Where the road ends) | Sten Söderberg Geber, Stockholm | 1952, 1961, 1969 | The Far Country | Lyckans land (The country of luck) | Sten Söderberg Geber, Stockholm | 1953, 1957, 1987, 1990 | In the wet | Livets väv (The weave of life) | Sten Söderberg Geber, Stockholm | 1954, 1965, 1978 | Slide rule | Mitt liv (My life) | Sten Söderberg Geber, Stockholm | 1955 | Requiem for a Wren | Till minnet av Janet (In memory of Janet) | Sten Söderberg Geber, Stockholm | 1956, 1960, 1978, 1984, 1986, 1990 | Beyond the black stump | Skilda världar (Separate worlds) | Sten Söderberg Geber, Stockholm | 1957, 1960, 1978 | On the Beach | På Stranden (On the beach) | Sten Söderberg Geber, Stockholm | 1958, 1960, 1969, 1976, 1984, 1990 | The Rainbow and the Rose | Regnbågen och rosen (The rainbow and the rose) | Sten Söderberg Geber, Stockholm | 1959, 1961 | Trustee From the Toolroom | Förmyndaren (The Trustee) | Sten Söderberg Geber, Stockholm | 1960 | Trustee From the Toolroom | En helt vanlig man (A absolute ordinary man) | Sten Söderberg Geber, Stockholm | 1972 |
Title | Translator | Publisher | Year of Translated Publication |
Chequer Board | Y. Vinetski | M. Mizrahi | 1964 |
On the Beach | Hemda Alon | M. Mizrahi | 1959 |
On the Beach | Dafna Levi | Zmora-Bitan | 1988 |
Pastoral | Gila Uriel | M. Mizrahi | 1963 |
Pied Piper | Y. Ash | Am Oved | 1945 |
The Pied Piper | Unknown | M. Mizrahi | 1960s |
The Pied Piper | Gideon Toury | Zmora-Bitan | 1991 |
Rainbow and the Rose | Arnon Ben-Nahum | M. Mizrahi | 1960 |
Icelandic Translations
Book | Translation | Translation/Publisher Details |
On the Beach | Á ströndinni | Icelandic Translation Njörður P. Njarðvík |
A Town Like Alice | Víða liggja vegamót (Crossroads) | Sigríður Thorlacius Publ: Leiftur, Reykjavík, 1978 |
Italian Translations
Book | Translation | Translation/Publisher Details |
The Far Country | Paese lontano | Not Available |
Landfal | Attaco fatale | Tea 1996 |
No Highway | Viaggio indimenticabile | Tea 1996 |
On the Beach | L'ultima spiaggia | Sugar 1959, Mondadori, 1966 |
A Town like Alice | Una città come Alice | Frassinelli 1950/1, Mondadori 1973 |
Japanese Translations
Book | Translation | Translation/Publisher Details |
On The Beach | On The Beach | Sogensha, ISBN4-488-61601-1, 1957 |
The Far Country | The Far Country | Shinchosha 1952 |
The Rainbow and The Rose | The Lost Rainbow and Rose | Kohdannsha |
Pied Piper | The Wandering Journey | Kadokawa, ISBN4-488-61602-X, 1942 |
A Town Like Alice | A Town Like Alice | Tosho Kanko-kai, ISBN4-8231-0517-7, 1999 |
Russian Translations
Book | Translation/Back Translation/Translator | Translation Details |
Pied Piper | КрЫса улвливающее устройство (Krysolov), literally "rat catcher" in English, Nora Gal |
Khudozhestvennaya literature, Moscow, 1991
Series title, The Foreign Novel of the 20th Century Full translation available at: |
On The Beach | Художественая литература (Na beregu), Nora Gal |
Khudozhestvennaya literature, Moscow, 1991
Series title, The Foreign Novel of the 20th Century Full translation available at: |
Book | Translation (Back Translation) |
A Town Like Alice | Pasos de Mujer (A Woman's Steps) |
Most Secret | Muy Reservado (Most Secret) |
On The Beach | La Hora Final (The Last Hour) |
Pied Piper | Otra Vez Hamelin (Hamlin Again) |
Trustee from The Toolroom | Feliz Aventura (Happy Adventure) |
The Far Country | Aquel Pais Lejano (That Far Country) |
Beyond the Black Stump | Mas Alla de la Colina (Further than the Little Hill) |
No Highway | Por Encima de Todo (In Spite of Everything) |
Polish Translations
Book | Translation |
A Town Like Alice | Miasteczko jak Alice Springs |
The Chequerboard | Szachownica |
Pied Piper | Stary Pan |
Requiem For A Wren | Requiem dla dziewczyny |
On The Beach | Ostatni Brzeg |
In addition to the translations above, A. P. Watt, Nevil's literary agents in the UK have informed the foundation that Nevil Shute's novels have also been translated into the following languages. However we have no details of actual translated titles. If you have any further information on them, please contact the Webmaster
Bulgarian | Czech | Finnish | |
Greek | Greenlandic | ||
Gujarati | Hungarian | Icelandic | |
Marathi | Norwegian | ||
Portuguese (Brazil) | Portuguese (Portugal) | Romanian | Serbo-Croat |
Slovak | Slovene | ||
Telugu |