Nevil Shute Norway Foundation

Flying Summary: Landfall

Published: 1940 (Heinemann)  
Setting: 1940  
Story: A young RAF Pilot on a tedious maritime patrol attacks what he believes to be a U-boat but is accused of sinking a British submarine. After a mission over Germany he risks his life testing a secret device and is vindicated after his barmaid girlfriend eavesdrops on the conversations of foreign seamen.  
Locations: Emsworth and Titchfield aerodromes
Portsmouth Naval Base
Maritime patrols over the Channel
Bomber Command raid over Germany
Main Characters: Flying Officer Chambers and his crew
Captain Burnaby RN
Wg Cdr Hewitt RAF
Professor Legge
Flying Episodes: Majority of book is devoted to flying activities, ie: Maritime Patrols. Mission over Germany and testing secret devices.  
Aircraft: Avro Anson; Vickers Wellington  
Flying Characters: Fg Off Chambers
Sgt Hutchinson
Cpl Lambert
Flt Lt Dixon
Aviation Location(s): Emsworth Aerodrome (Thorney Island)
Maritime patrol over the English Channel
Bomber Command Leaflet dropping over Germany
Market Stanton and Titchfield aerodromes
Aviation Activities Routine Maritime Patrols
Attack on submarine
Leaflet dropping over Germany
Trial of Secret Equipment - disaster
Additional Comments: Gets to grips with the boredom of extended maritime patrols (particularly for the non-pilots) contrasting with the adrenaline inspired reactions to sighting a submarine. The trial of the secret equipment and the danger is less convincing.