Nevil Shute Norway Foundation

US Branch Lending Library

The Susan Batross Memorial Lending Library
In 2008, the United States Nevil Shute Lending library was named after the late Susan Batross, a dedicated Shutist who was an active participant at many gatherings of Nevil Shute enthusiasts, including those in England, and who enthusiastically ran the US library for a number of years.

Nevil's books, audio dramatizations of his books (Recorded Books), video tapes of movies based on his books, and associated books (Flight of Fancy, The Secret War, Airspeed, etc.), are available for loan through the US Library, without charge other than postage.

Loan requests are answered immediately, and requested items are usually received within three or four days.

For further information, or to borrow items, please e-mail the US Librarian at

For details of US holdings, please go to:
Audio Books
Video Tapes