2003-1/January 2003NOTES: Any recipient not wishing to receive this newsletter should reply with the word REMOVE in either the subject line or the text. The NSN Foundation does not send e-mail with attachments. Newsletters are sent as e-mail text. Because of the limitations of some servers, the newsletter may be truncated. Should that occur, the entire text of all newsletters may be found on the Newsletter Page of the NSN Foundation web site.
Happy New Year! It is traditional at this time of year to review the past year, look at our accomplishments, and plan for the future. First, a look at what transpired in 2002. THE NEWSLETTER This year, and this issue, mark the completion of the first full year of the publication of the newsletter. We began publication in June 2001, and issued seven monthly editions that year. This issue makes 12 for 2002. Circulation remains between 500 and 600, with recipients living all over the world.
The web site has grown by leaps and bounds this year, even changing our Home Page picture from the "Mature Author" photograph we started with to a very interesting charcoal sketch of Nevil done by long time friend Flora Twort. We also switched our web host to UltraFast Communications, with hosting donated to the Foundation by the generous staff of that organization. A number of articles have been added to the Book Review pages of the Bibliography Section; new analyses have been added to the Characters Section, and the Favorite Book Page of the Bibliography Section has grown to 80 opinionated voters. Foundation Historian Richard Michalak has added two outstanding new pages to the Biography Section - the Time Line and the Photo Album. Jim and Jerre Schermerhorn have completely redone the Aviation section in a similarly outstanding manner. A Nevil Shute Norway signature page has been added to the Etcetera Section - just in case anyone wants to compare and see if the autograph on his or her Cassel Marazan is genuine. This month, a "Where is Uncle Nevil" section has also been added to the Etcetera Section. We continue to receive high praise from our dedicated members as well as those new comers who stumble across the web site (See this month's Letters to the Editor Section below). THE LIBRARY The Nevil Shute Norway Foundation Lending Library changed hands this year with Shutist Ed Yess taking over the reins (and the inventory). Ed has continued to provide the free lending service that is so popular, particularly with beginning Shutists (before they start their own collections). THE FOUNDATION The Foundation has also accomplished a great deal this year. We donated a complete set of hard bound Nevil Shute editions to a US Forces library in Hanau, Germany, and two complete sets, one hard bound and one of the new Stratus soft bound sets, to the Nevil Shute Memorial Library in Alice Springs, Australia. We have also funded a scholarship for a young pilot working on his/her commercial license in Melbourne, Australia. One of the Foundation's crowning achievements of 2002 was the publication of "The Seafarers" the first Nevil Shute book to be newly published in 43 years! A number of dedicated Shutists teamed with publisher Paper Tiger to make this dream come true. Responses to the new book to date have been very positive. It has been quite a year! And to close it out: WHERE IS UNCLE NEVIL? Gerard and Rosemary Martin, Shutists from Portsmouth who will be joining us and assisting with UK2003, were the first to identify Uncle Nevil in the Balliol College class photo contest held last month. An autographed copy of "The Seafarers" is now winging its way to Gerard and Rosemary as their prize for the timely identification. Other Shutists wishing to try their hand and eye at picking Uncle Nevil from among his class mates (without the prize, of course) may check out the contest in the Etcetera Section of the web site. GLOSSARY OF TERMS has agreed to take on the responsibility for our envisioned Glossary Section, which was described in the December Newsletter. Chris, who resides in Rome, will be ably assisted by who lives in the UK, and a resident of Hong Kong! Chris will man the helm, and John and Julian will assist with esoteric terms as well as taking responsibility for developing individual glossaries for one or more books each. Additional help is needed in reviewing individual NSN books and winnowing out the more esoteric terms. To volunteer to assist, and to find out which books have not yet been spoken for, please contact Chris at the above e-address. The sooner we get a good start on this, the sooner we can launch the glossary on the web site. BOOK SWAP No takers or new listings to date for the Book Swap. If this section of the newsletter does not generate a bit more interest, we will likely omit it in the future. I still have an extra Cassel first edition of So Disdained that I would like to trade for a Cassell first edition of either Lonely Road or Ruined City. Anyone interested? AND FOR THE FUTURE FIRST LOCAL MEETING OF 2003 The Colorado Chapter of the NSN Foundation is hosting the first meeting of the new year in Littleton, Colorado. This from This message is to announce the next meeting of the Colorado Chapter of the Nevil Shute Society. The meeting will be held at Art and Joan Cornell's townhouse at 9131 W. Phillips Drive, Littleton, CO on Saturday, January 11, 2003 at 6:00 p.m. UK2003 UPDATE From HREM (Her Royal Event Manageress) Steph Gallagher: Dear Friends: FUNDING Donations to the Nevil Shute Norway Foundation, either through the PayPal button on the web site home page, or through foundation@nevilshute.org are always appreciated. Also, anyone interested in leaving a bequest to the Nevil Shute Norway Foundation is encouraged to contact the Foundation Secretary at letters@nevilshute.org. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Note: Letters to the Editor are published, complete with the name and e-address of the sender, unless the sender specifically asks that his or her name and/or e-address not be published. Also, we like to list letter writers' full names and locations, just to give our readers some idea of the areas of the world that the web site and newsletter cover. When writing, please include full name and country/state/region. From in California: The quotation below is from a letter from C. S. Forester, 1066 Park Hills Road, Berkeley 8, California (of whom you have probably heard) to his close friend, Frances Phillips, in New York. She, some of you may remember, was Nevil Shute's New York editor at William Morrow & Co., in which firm CSF had an interest. As a very young man, I seem to remember meeting NSN in her office, probably about 1950. CSF's letter is dated 13 January 1960.From in Melbourne: (Note: This was in response to Lloyd being given a second chance to guess Nevil's identity in the Balliol class photo. Unfortunately, both of his choices were wrong.) Dear DanFrom in Hong Kong: (In response to the "Atap" question. Some of these Shutists are really thorough!) Dear Fellow Shutists:From in Boulder, Colorado: Nevil Shute Norway Foundation: That's it for this month folks. Please keep those e-cards and e-letters coming. Regards from The Land Of Enchantment, Dan
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