Book Review

June 20, 2001

Ave Shutists:

First - my apologies to all who receive this two or more times. In order to reach the widest possible audience, this is being sent to NSL, NIOT, Shuteinoz, and my personal NSN mailing list. The number of you are on two or more of these lists may simply delete any additional messages with the identical subject line.

New Nevil Shute web site: As many of you already know, John Henry, the founder of the Nevil Shute web page at, has semiretired from managing that web page. He has graciously agreed to let us transfer book reviews, biographical information, etc., from his web page to the new web site. The new web site incorporates that information, and adds updated reports on the Centennial, OZ2001, etc., as well as plans for UK2003, and other current and future topics. The new web site is operated under the auspices of the Nevil Shute Norway Foundation, and may be found at

John has also retired from publishing the International Nevil Shute Society Newsletter. The Nevil Shute Norway Foundation is taking over this function as well, with John's permission. We will begin publication of the new newsletter on July 1, 2001, and will continue monthly publication thereafter. The format is still under development, but the newsletter will likely contain letters from reader/members, news of newly released Nevil Shute editions, special prices on books for Foundation members, plans and progress on new movies in the works, Foundation news, free classifieds, etc.

To receive the Foundation Newsletter, please either reply to, or log on to, and go to either 'Contact' or 'Newsletter' and '', and request that you be added to the new mailing list.

Those already on my personal NSN mailing list will automatically receive the Foundation Newsletter. Those not currently on my personal NSN mailing list will not receive the Foundation Newsletter unless they request it as detailed above. Anyone wishing to be removed from the newsletter addressee list will be immediately removed at their request. For information regarding privacy and protection of personal information, e-addresses, etc., please refer to the Privacy Statement at the Nevil Shute Norway Foundation Web Site.

Looking forward to many, many replies.

Regards from TLOE,

Dan Telfair, Secretary
The Nevil Shute Norway Foundation

Nevil Shute Norway