Photos of projects at the Department of Miscellaneous Weapons Development (DMWD)
To accompany John Anderson's presentation at the reunion in York, England, May 2004

The photographs on this and the following pages are from the DMWD Technical Histories and are reproduced by courtesy of the UK National Archives. They may not be reproduced without the permission of the Copyright holder.


"Cockatrice" Vehicle - a Bedford chassis with a mounted flame thrower. Intended for airfield defence

"Cockatrice" test firing on the range

Naval pattern vertical firing flame thrower.
Shute was present when this was tested aboard a converted French fishing vessel 'La Patrie'.

Test firing of vertical flame thrower producing flame up to 100 feet.


Whirling rig for testing wind noise. This was used to find the best insulation against wind noise for the microphones.

Mast head installation of the AWD microphones.

Initial trials on MV "Titlark" 1941


Panjandrum before first trial along the beach at Westward Ho! 7th September 1943

Panjandrum after first trial along the beach at Westward Ho! 7th September 1943


The Pig Trough launcher designed by Nevil Shute held 14 two-inch rockets for firing vertically against air attack.

Gimballed rocket launcher.
Note the officer in the control box aiming the launcher.

Rocket grapnel in use by US forces west of Omaha beach on D-Day.


A rocket firing LCT showing the ranks of angled launchers.

Photographs taken from test firings from LCT(R) showing the vessel enveloped in smoke. LCT(R) could fire over 1000 rockets in salvos. They were used in both the Mediterranean and in the Normandy landings.
These pictures are from trials in April 1943.

Photos of Nevil Shute Norway

Two photographs of Lt. Commander Norway taken during his wartime Naval service
The left hand one was taken early on in the War, the right hand during 1944.

Commander Dennis Richardson