Nevil Shute Norway Foundation

Board Members

Alison Jenner

Alison's parents always had Nevil Shute books on their shelves and "The Chequer Board" was the first of them she read as a teenager; when she first met her husband's family the fact that their books also included Shute's was another good sign.

They also co-piloted a road trip across France, in the footsteps of the "Pied Piper,". Not only that but their two daughters read and enjoy the novels, carrying on the interest down the generations.

In an idle moment in 2003 Alison googled "Nevil Shute" and found this site and has since had the wonderful experience of visiting places she never thought possible and meeting inspiring people from across the globe at the Southsea, Cape Cod, Alice Springs and York conferences, happily engaged in discussions about topics that never crossed her mind when first reading the stories.

Alison also maintains contacts with fellow enthusiasts through the newsletters, Facebook and Twitter.

Getting involved in this group has enhanced a great pleasure in reading, encouraged reflection and prompted new learning; may it happen for you.

Alison can be contacted by e-mail at